Mexico City, May 7 – 30, 1998
Painting allows an artist to create different levels of dialogue, reference and tone. If by writing, the poet transcribes his words and creates a journey between them, the painter does no less when he lets a group of forms, color and texture drop onto the canvas. The paintings of Fernando García Correa emphasize the tone, tempo and range of form of the picture itself, both as an object and a form that contains the tones previously mentioned. He belongs to a generation of Mexican artists he doesn’t identify with, and with that and his eleven-year absence from the Mexican artistic scene, there is no need to find a group or school to classify his work. He creates through painting; showing his reflections, tastes and vices in that medium. The paintings he created after his return to Mexico in 1993 show forms that create space, a space that is then hidden by monochrome colors and textures. Now, everything happens at the same time as the medium, the artist’s intention being to create a series of variations, articulations and silences.