– Installation View

– Installation View


Mexico City, November 4 – December 2, 2004

Artists: Michael Backes, Heimir Björgúlfsson, Christopher Chin, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Amir Fallah, René Hayashi, Oliver Hess, Per Hüttner, Ichiro Irie, Heather Jeno, Lisa Lefeuvre, Marcos Lutyens, Jonas Ohlsson, Janet Owens, Virgil Polit, Max Presneill, Frances Richardson, Boo Ritson, Amy Robinson, Lara Taubman

Out of a series of meetings, happy accidents, and other random events, Art&Idea has become the site for the inaugural exhibition Nexus+1 by NTOPIA, an international group of individual artists, curators and writers that wishes to explore the nature of collaborative art-making. This exhibition, which is the product of a collaboration with Raid Projects from Los Angeles, can be seen as a direct result of the numerous and, at times, lengthy correspondences between the artists and writers during the seven months since the project was initially proposed by Max Presneill. The viewer is witness to each artist’s sincere desire to manage an enormous quantity of, at times conflicting, ideas and positions in attempt to create a single, visually unified work of art. The communicative and creative process has taken on a life of its own, the results not being in the control of any one person, but much more complex and dynamic than, perhaps, any one person could possibly do.